Wednesday, January 13

A New Life...

Ok, so here I am once again after the long waiting period of being without an internet connection in my new abode... it is amazing what you can actually accomplish when there isn't any access to the world wide web!!

Over the past three and a half weeks I have been so in awe at the greatness and faithfulness of my God. Every morning when I have woken up and looked out my windows to a gorgeous ocean view I thank God from the bottom of my heart that He has so abundantly blessed me by again fulfilling one of my life-long dreams of living by the beach in a home where I can see the ocean. When I first arrived in this beautiful part of the world just before Christmas and saw where I would be living, I almost felt undeserving of what I had been given. What had I done to deserve this and who am I that God would pour out such a blessing on my life?

I now know without a doubt that if we are faithful, God will and does give us the desires of our heart. His desire is to see each and everyone of us blessed beyond anything that we can even imagine, if we love Him and trust Him with all of our heart.

I have to admit though, that living in this gorgeous place would be absolutely nothing if I didn’t have Jesus by my side, to guide and direct me, to help me to make new friends, to hold my hand as I begin this ‘new life‘…  He is my everything and without Him I am nothing.

One of my goals for 2010 is to live generously and be a blessing to others because ‘to whom much is given, much is required’. I want to be a blessing to others, to influence the lives of others and to make a difference in someone else’s life because of what Jesus has done for me.

I also never want to take for granted what God has provided for me and to do that I know that I will need to make every effort to continue to thank Him for everything He has blessed me with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lesa,

You wouldn't remember me, but I knew your Mum and Dad as they were my very first Pastors...

I love living by the ocean also, and have views from my back deck. We live right on the ocean and have been blessed to see dolphins on the odd occasion! I love it!

I love it when the Lord opens a new chapter in our lives, and I really hope yours is filled with many wonderful blessings (as it already has been), but there is always more, lol.

God bless you Lesa!
