Wednesday, January 27


I have just finished reading a very short but inspiring cute little book called ‘Fish’. The story itself is quite fun and definitely gets you thinking and motivated about life but an extract included in the book is what I would like to share…

It is from another book called ‘Simple Abundance’ by Sarah Ban Breathnach…

Most of us are uncomfortable thinking of ourselves as artists…. But each of us is an artist… With every choice, every day, you are creating a unique work of art. Something that only you can do… The reason you were born was to leave your own indelible mark on the world. This is your authenticity… Respect your creative urges… step out in faith… you will discover your choices are as authentic as you are. What is more, you will discover that your life is all it was meant to be: a joyous sonnet of thanksgiving.

We only have one life to live on this earth and as Sarah has so greatly put it…. We were born to leave our own indelible mark on this world! Each of us has a purpose in life… God has a plan for us all and we need to make the most of every minute of our days because once it is gone… its gone!

I have been quite surprised over the past couple of weeks at how time really does fly when you are having fun… It definitely seems to go a lot slower when you are working for some reason!

I have been enjoying my morning swim or surf, doing a little bit of work every now and then, being a homewife (I don’t like ‘housewife’) and pottering around, as my mother would say, but it is definitely time for me to start working on those goals that I have set and get that schedule happening so that those minutes, hours and days don’t quickly slip away as they so quickly can and I am left standing there with an empty canvas.

I may currrently be a ‘lady of leisure’ but I definitely don’t want to be lazy!

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