Saturday, January 30


I am totally busting to tell someone about the most beautiful and fun surf that I had this morning and my husband is out playing golf so here I am... although I know that probably only a couple of you reading this will really appreciate it as much as I did.

After a short little drive to one of my most recently frequented locations it wasn’t looking very appealing for a surf. The waves were breaking right on the beach because of the almost full tide and there was nothing at all out ‘the back’ so I climbed back into my car slightly disheartened because after all it is the weekend and I really didn’t feel like going back home and doing housework!

So I drove back towards home and decided to check out a more popular spot hoping that there would be something to at least get wet for and if there was... not too many others already out there. As I drove into the carpark there were only two other cars and I sadly thought ‘this isn’t looking very promising’ but I will have a quick look anyway and perhaps have a swim instead.

If there are any of you who like to have a little surf you will know what the anticipation of walking up the path towards the beach is all about. I could hear some waves lightly crashing on the sand and as I came over the crest of the sand dunes it was just beautiful... clean 2ft waves, light offshore winds, slightly overcast and there were only about four others sitting out there!

I quickly raced back to the car, grabbed my board, walked back up the path, threw on my wetsuit and jumped into the water. The water was clear bluey-green and I could easily see the sand on the bottom, even out the back.

Within two minutes I was paddling onto a nice clean 2ft wave and caught it all the way into the beach. I paddled out again and after another two minutes caught another little wave. I paddled back out and sat on my board in the water for a while waiting for another perfect wave.

The waves died off a little bit and I looked out towards the ocean and on the horizon was a huge thick dark black storm cloud. It was gradually getting darker and darker around me and looked like it was about to pour with rain but then the sun ever so slightly peaked just over the top of this huge monster of a cloud and was glistening onto the water around me making it look like glass... it was absolutely gorgeous!! I sat out there in awe of the beauty that God had created for me to enjoy on this beautiful Saturday morning. I wish I had my camera so that I could have taken a photo because it was an amazing sight.

I caught a couple more waves and then it started to rain... the glassy waves looked even more inviting and the drops of fresh water running down my face were like heaven!

As I mentioned at the beginning, probably only a few will really appreciate what this picture is really like in reality but I’m sure that God creates special moments in creation for each and every one of us to enjoy every day and for us to realise how big and awesome He really is. It is good to get outside and see God in creation and appreciate what He has made for us.

Wednesday, January 27


I have just finished reading a very short but inspiring cute little book called ‘Fish’. The story itself is quite fun and definitely gets you thinking and motivated about life but an extract included in the book is what I would like to share…

It is from another book called ‘Simple Abundance’ by Sarah Ban Breathnach…

Most of us are uncomfortable thinking of ourselves as artists…. But each of us is an artist… With every choice, every day, you are creating a unique work of art. Something that only you can do… The reason you were born was to leave your own indelible mark on the world. This is your authenticity… Respect your creative urges… step out in faith… you will discover your choices are as authentic as you are. What is more, you will discover that your life is all it was meant to be: a joyous sonnet of thanksgiving.

We only have one life to live on this earth and as Sarah has so greatly put it…. We were born to leave our own indelible mark on this world! Each of us has a purpose in life… God has a plan for us all and we need to make the most of every minute of our days because once it is gone… its gone!

I have been quite surprised over the past couple of weeks at how time really does fly when you are having fun… It definitely seems to go a lot slower when you are working for some reason!

I have been enjoying my morning swim or surf, doing a little bit of work every now and then, being a homewife (I don’t like ‘housewife’) and pottering around, as my mother would say, but it is definitely time for me to start working on those goals that I have set and get that schedule happening so that those minutes, hours and days don’t quickly slip away as they so quickly can and I am left standing there with an empty canvas.

I may currrently be a ‘lady of leisure’ but I definitely don’t want to be lazy!

Wednesday, January 13

A New Life...

Ok, so here I am once again after the long waiting period of being without an internet connection in my new abode... it is amazing what you can actually accomplish when there isn't any access to the world wide web!!

Over the past three and a half weeks I have been so in awe at the greatness and faithfulness of my God. Every morning when I have woken up and looked out my windows to a gorgeous ocean view I thank God from the bottom of my heart that He has so abundantly blessed me by again fulfilling one of my life-long dreams of living by the beach in a home where I can see the ocean. When I first arrived in this beautiful part of the world just before Christmas and saw where I would be living, I almost felt undeserving of what I had been given. What had I done to deserve this and who am I that God would pour out such a blessing on my life?

I now know without a doubt that if we are faithful, God will and does give us the desires of our heart. His desire is to see each and everyone of us blessed beyond anything that we can even imagine, if we love Him and trust Him with all of our heart.

I have to admit though, that living in this gorgeous place would be absolutely nothing if I didn’t have Jesus by my side, to guide and direct me, to help me to make new friends, to hold my hand as I begin this ‘new life‘…  He is my everything and without Him I am nothing.

One of my goals for 2010 is to live generously and be a blessing to others because ‘to whom much is given, much is required’. I want to be a blessing to others, to influence the lives of others and to make a difference in someone else’s life because of what Jesus has done for me.

I also never want to take for granted what God has provided for me and to do that I know that I will need to make every effort to continue to thank Him for everything He has blessed me with.