I just love the movie 'How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days'... and this morning while I was reading my Bible I got the coolest picture in my mind and I just wanted to share it...
Proverbs 3:21-22 says 'My son, (or daughter) let them not depart from your eyes - keep sound wisdom and discretion; so they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck'.
Grace to your neck... just like the Isadora diamond in the movie right??!! Absolutely! When Andie (Kate Hudson) walks out in her gorgeous yellow cocktail dress she looks nothing but beautiful... however when they place the Isadora around her neck she becomes the object of everyone's attention... she instantly grows two inches taller, walking around proudly displaying those huge sparkling diamonds and everyone turns their heads to take a look... she is just stunning!
A little while later into the evening she goes quickly running out of the building with the Isadora around her neck and when everyone suddenly realises she is still wearing it... all they care about is chasing after that diamonds and the pursuit is on!
We need to chase after sound wisdom and discretion in our lives and never let it out of our sight just as though it is the huge Isadora diamond necklace. Wisdom and discretion will become that amazing 'Grace to our neck'.
The word Grace in this instance means - kindness, favour, gracious, pleasant, precious and well-favoured... who as a woman doesn't want all of that in our lives?? I know I certainly do!
We can shine and sparkle as we keep our eyes focussed on sound wisdom and discretion.
One of my fav movies: 'frost yourself'!
What you wrote is so true. There really is nothing more beautiful then women who shine kindness, favour, graciousness...Sometimes I wish this world was not so obsessed with 'fashion beauty' but rather embraced more 'heart beauty'.
...said me in my high heels lol. Ok so I could not live without my shoes!!!
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