Wednesday, February 17


This morning as I was reading my Bible I realised an awesome thing…

Over the past few weeks I have been reading a book called ‘The Richest Man Who Ever Lived’ which is about King Solomon’s secrets to success, wealth and happiness out of the Proverbs, and at the same time I have also been reading a chapter in Proverbs everyday.

As I was chatting with my husband over our romantic Valentine’s Day dinner the other night and discussing my ‘impossible’ dreams, I had a few questions about how I was going to achieve parts of them when I didn’t have a clue about what I was doing! My ever-so wise husband replied that God would show us the way to achieve the impossible. I didn’t really think anything more about what He had said until the very next day when I read a chapter of my book and it specifically answered one of the most difficult questions I had asked… AMAZING!

Again this morning before I started reading my Bible I was chatting with God about a personal situation that I am struggling with at the moment and asking what I could do to overcome in this particular area and as I read my Proverb for the day… there it was… the answer…. plain as day!

The Bible may have been written thousands of years ago but still in Twenty-Ten, as we commit our lives to Jesus and expect Him to help us in our everyday lives, He will provide the answers that we are seeking after.

Some answers may not come as easy as those I have described above but they will come... we just have to look to Him for the answer to begin with.

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