Sunday, August 23

treasure within...

Ok so you know how it is... when you take that first initial step in doing something that you have never done before... whether its the first time you learn to ski, or the first time you drive a car, go out on a first date or skydive... whatever it is, it kinda takes your breath away when you even start to think about it! Anyway this is my first blog, so you get the picture... I'm quivering in my boots!

For as long as I can remember my friends, teachers, family and God have been telling me that I have 'treasure' within me or that I have something to give or there's heaps of stuff inside me, and to be honest with you most of the time my response has been 'whaaaaa???' I just couldn't see that I would have anything that anyone else would even be remotely interested in hearing or listening to.

But God has been showing me that under all of my insecurity there really is something in there and that if I don't get over my fear, have faith, let it out and share it, then I will never be completely fulfilled and be left thinking...if only...

So just recently I decided to let go, and let God... It's not like I have opened the lid on the treasure chest and it has all suddenly revealed itself but I know that as I take this first step God is going to meet me.

I have always had a passion and a desire to make a difference and to be an inspiration so this is my very small beginning...

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." Zechariah 4:10


Maxine said...

Oh Lesa this made my cry! I'm soo proud of you. You have so much treasure inside to share.
Love Max xoxox

Craig said...

I am very proud of you my love. I know what a big step this is for you and maybe now everyone else will see just a glimmer of the treasure that I see in you every day.

I know that God has been and will continue to do amazing things with and through you.

Love you......Craig xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh Lesa, well done! That is beautiful and so pleased you're taking the step. Lovely comment from Craig too btw.